The paper version of Why Didn’t I Think Of It First – a book about crazy inventions patented over the years – was published in 1972 (ISBN 0 7153 5419 1 I ) and repurposed 2022 as an e-book using Jutoh 3 software courtesy of developer Julian Speed.

The WDITOIF e-book is posted here for free reading. Please no re-publication or repurposing, without a decent name-check credit.

The book illustrations, by the way, were done by Tony Hayes, the highly regarded singer, musician and arranger who co-led the Fraser Hayes Four tight harmony group – which you can still hear here, thanks to YouTube, performing on old episodes of Round the Horne and Beyond our Ken.

Cover of book on crazy inventions written by Barry Fox under pen name Adrian Hope
Why Didn’t I Think Of It First book cover